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Definition and Research Background

What is an AUP?

AUP stands for Acceptable Use Policy.  Technology and technology devices are educational tools, and must be properly used to be effective.  An AUP establishes parameters for the use of devices and internet service.  These devices and services must then be used in an acceptable manner by all those who agree to use them.  An AUP can be effectively used to control the use of smartphones, other personal devices, software, the internet and the use of all digital technologies at an institution.  Once signed, it becomes a legally binding agreement. 


Research Background  

       The Internet, mobile internet devices and wireless have added a new dimension to issues of safety in schools (Consortium for School Networking, 2011).

       Technology policies serve a dual purpose in a school environment (Consortium for School Networking, 2011).  Primarily they are concerned with protecting students from material inappropriate based on their age, but they also allow teachers and students to access the internet for the purposes of teaching and learning.

       When considering methods of control, one approach is to use filtering and blocking to restrict or eliminate access to sites deemed as harmful.  The other is to develop policy centered on teaching students to be responsible users. 

       This policy seeks to be a combination of both, as it sets guidelines for the use of the technology equipment (tablets and computers) which are the property of the School.  It also details how persons should conduct themselves when using the School’s internet connection. 


  1. Considering that the school has a separate internet connection who will be responsible for ensuring that students can not access harmful websites?

    Really like the layout and format this page.

    1. Since our department does not have a ITC we will have to rely on security software to provide a measure of control.


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